Changes to Codefactori Pricing

There are some important changes coming to Codefactori. These changes are being implemented in an effort to simplify our customer’s budgeting and on-demand requests. Beginning January 1, 2021, all Codefactori customers will experience an increase in their overall invoiced pricing, depending on their specific instance. Each customer will be invoiced on a monthly basis, as per agreed estimates. These changes are all based on our changes in discounts given to our current customers.

We found that customers were getting quickly discouraged with the hassle of constantly having to evaluate, and upgrade, their disk storage and other add ons. With this price increase, we are happy to announce that all customers will now have Unlimited Disk Space. We also hope that the change to monthly invoicing will help our customers with their budgetary process.

What exactly do all of these changes mean for you?

  1. Addteq Credits- For choosing to pay early (annually), you can utilize your available credits for additional Addteq services like adding new instances, new products, or support, without waiting for a payment to be approved, processed, and completed. To learn more about How Addteq Credits work, visit our website
  2. Unlimited Disk Space- We have removed the hassle of reaching out to you when your current disk space reaches maximum capacity. 
  3. Uninterrupted Service- The quality of the underlying service that Addteq is providing you will not be affected. 
  4. Portal- One location to view your monthly credit summary, invoices, etc.

Finally, we have opened the opportunity for customers to receive grandfathered current pricing if they renew before January 1, 2021. 

Should you have any questions or need additional information:

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