Pivot Tables – Out Today!

Say Hello to Pivot Tables! Pivot Tables are now available to our users in the most recent version of Excellentable. I know it’s been a long time coming but it’s finally here! The addition of Pivot Tables is the first step in several feature updates coming in the near future.

Here are just some of the features you get out of Excellentable’s Pivot Table.

What is a Pivot Table?

A pivot table is a tool that every spreadsheet program user has used at least once in their life. It’s a tool that allows you to summarize and explore your data in an interactive fashion. A Pivot Table is used to summarize, sort, reorganize, group, count, etc. for large amounts of data. It allows the user to transform columns into rows and rows into columns. Basically, it allows the user to take a large amount of data and transform it into a more useful view. The Pivot Table in Excellentable, is just as you remember Pivot Tables.

What are the benefits of Pivot Tables?

Pivot Tables are worksheet tables that let you summarize and analyze your Excel data. Benefits include:

  • Ability to recap using any data element and then drill down to review the details.

  • Ability to get a summary or recap of the data rather than scrolling down to find each subtotal.

  • Data does not have to be sorted by a particular element in order to get a subtotal for that data Element.

  • Can assist in finding data patterns easier and more quickly than normal.

  • Summarizes data easier.

What do you get with Excellentable’s Pivot Table?

Inserting a Pivot Table

After selecting the data you want to turn into a Pivot Table, you’re able to use the new menu item underneath the “Insert” menu that allows you to add a Pivot Table. It’s as simple as that!

Excellentable Insert Menu















Pivot Table Components

From there, you’re able to add the Pivot Table to your current Worksheet or an entirely new one. In that view, you have access to all the components a normal Pivot Table has. 

Pivot panel field highlights


Pivot Table components include:

  • Pivot Table Preview

     • This box shows the area where the Pivot Table will be once you start adding items to the Pivot Table components. 

  • Pivot Table Fields

     • These are the available fields to use based on the data selected from your Excellentable.

  • Pivot Table Areas

     • Filters – Filters apply a calculation or restriction to the entire table.

     • Columns – When a field is chosen for the column area, only the unique values of the field are listed across the top.

     • Rows – When a field is chosen for the row area, it populates as the first column. Similar to the columns, all row labels are the unique values and duplicates are removed.

     • Values – Each value is kept in a pivot table cell and displays the summarized information. The most common values are sum, average, minimum and maximum.

  • Pivot Table Views

     • From here you’re able to save specific views that you don’t want to lost. Then easily switch between saved views to truly decide which one is best for the data you need. 

Pivot Table Area

After you have all the data entered into your Pivot Table components, you’ll have access to view, filter, and sort your Data. 

Pivot area specifics

  • Filter Fields – The option(s) that will show up here are entirely based on the field(s) that are added into the “Filters” section of the Pivot Panel.

  • Column Fields – The option(s) that will show up here are entirely based on the field(s) that are added into the “Columns” section of the Pivot Panel.

  • Column Label Items – The labels of the option(s) selected in the “Columns” section of the Pivot Panel.

  • Value Fields – The option(s) that will show up here are entirely based on the field(s) that are added into the “Values” section of the Pivot Panel.

  • Row Fields – The option(s) that will show up here are entirely based on the field(s) that are added into the “Rows” section of the Pivot Panel.

  • Row Label Items – The labels of the option(s) selected in the “Rows” section of the Pivot Panel.

How to use Pivot Tables

Addteq has put together a user guide to guide you through the creation and usage of Pivot Tables in Excellentable. See more here.

What’s coming next?

I don’t want to ruin the surprise, but look forward to several exciting fixes and new features coming this year.

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