Excellentable Settings: Customize your spreadsheets in Confluence

Not every user of Excellentable works the same way. Individuals, and companies, need the option to change certain aspects of their Excellentables to default to different things. The ability to make these changes helps alleviate confusion among the team and improves the efficacy of the team using Excellentable. To help with this, we’re proud to introduce the Settings functionality for Excellentable. This allows your team to apply their Settings for your Excellentables at any level they please.

Why introduce Settings now?

Over time we’ve received a number of requests from Excellentable customers who wanted to change how certain things were presented, and used, in the Excellentable product. In most cases, the request was for a specific change. A user wanted to change the default currency used, they preferred a different font used, etc. Addteq looked at all the requests coming in and decided Excellentable users needed more than a minor function here and there. This is what led us to implement the Settings functionality to your Excellentable instance.

The four levels of Settings

When designing the Excellentable Settings, Addteq decided to give the option to set the default settings for three different levels. Those three levels are Global, Space, and User. 

Instance – Any settings that are set at the Global level will take effect for all Excellentables in all your Spaces in your instance.

Space – Any settings that are set at the Space level will take effect for ONLY the Excellentables under that Space.

Table – Any settings that are set at the Table level will take effect for ONLY the Table they are making the changes on.

User – Any settings that are set at the User level will take effect for that User whenever the user goes to work on any Excellentable. This level is specifically related to the “Save Settings in all Excellentables” function that is available on the Table Settings screen.

What can I change? 

With the addition of these default settings options for Excellentable, you can now make changes to, or set the default of, a number of different settings. Not all of these are available at every level, but most are.

  • Set default Currency
  • Set default Date & Time
  • Set default Decimal Points
  • Set default Font Family
  • Set default Font Size
  • Set default Number Format
  • Set default Iterative Calculation amount
  • Set Column/Row Hidden/Visible default
  • Set whether Excellentables are to be viewed in HTML or not
  • Set default Zoom Level



Instance Settings

Space Settings

Excellentable Settings

User Settings

Set Default Currency





Set Default Date & Time





Set Default Decimal Point





Set Default Font Family





Set Default Font Size





Set Default Number Format





Set Default Iterative Calculation Amount




Set Column/Row Hidden/Visible Default




Set Excellentables to be Viewed in HTML




Set Default Zoom Level




Save Settings





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