When Compliance is the Priority – Atlassian Data Center is the Answer

When organizations experience sudden (or continued) growth, it is a cause for celebration: growth means more products are being bought, more markets are being ventured into, and revenue goals are being achieved easily. 

However, with growth also comes the challenge of dealing with complex compliance, security, and geographic constraints. When compliance becomes a priority, opting for Atlassian Data Center is a great way to scale your organization while continuing to meet security and compliance requirements. 

Source: https://confluence.atlassian.com/enterprise/jira-data-center-472219731.html

Maturing organizations have a reason to celebrate but also a lot to worry about 

Organizations that grow tend to experience several changes to their needs and requirements. As more users begin accessing enterprise tools and applications, choosing a solution that scales as the organization grows is not enough. Being compliant based on required regulations while also being aware of potential security threats, becomes imperative. 

Atlassian Data Center delivers comprehensive security, compliance, and controls that maturing organizations need. By offering advanced auditing and user management, it enables organizations to monitor how users are using applications while helping to keep up with evolving security and governance requirements. 

These capabilities not only help in standardizing how the end-users access and use these systems but also ensure compliance with the company’s security policies. 

Atlassian Data Center opens doors to a range of security and compliance capabilities 

As organizations grow, the complexity of regulations they have to comply with increases drastically. They reach a point where they are under tremendous pressure to respond to changing compliance requirements while ensuring round-the-clock security of critical business data. 

Atlassian Data Center, through its modern compliance and security capabilities, delivers compliance insights while helping organizations identify potential risks. 

Here are some of Atlassian Data Center’s out-of-the-box security and compliance capabilities: 

Advanced auditing: Atlassian Data Center offers several advanced auditing capabilities that make the process of tracking and logging actions quick and easy. It gives admins the visibility they need into organizational policies while helping them demonstrate compliance, improve security, and better risk management. With advanced auditing, admins can choose from different levels of coverage (off, base, advanced, full) and select what’s best for their organization. Each coverage option enables users to access to a different level of insight into events that occur while offering logs that can be stored. Admins can customize the database retention period and assess logs for quick action. They can also integrate Data Center instances with third-party monitoring tools for long-term storage. 

Rate-limiting: As more and more people start accessing Data Center products, it becomes critical to move beyond simply safeguarding data against threats. Making sure only authorized people have access to tools, and the data they carry becomes essential. Atlassian Data Center offers a rate-limiting feature that ensures that only required users have access to data. Using this feature, admins can enable the rate-limiting capability and develop rules around which users you can have access to data. Simultaneously, they can also blocklist users or adjust their limits based on certain roles or workflows within the organization. 

Source: https://confluence.atlassian.com/jirasoftware/jira-software-8-6-x-release-notes-978220007.html

Access control: In addition to the rate-limiting feature, Atlassian Data Center also offers two important access control/authentication mechanisms to simplify compliance to the company’s security policies: 

  • Security Assertion Markup Language or SAML: Atlassian Data Center offers support for SAML, allowing each application to connect to the identity provider for Single Sign On (SSO). Organizations can leverage their existing identity provider for authentication while eliminating the need for users to remember multiple passwords. SAML makes sure users can sign into and access multiple applications – effortlessly and securely. 
  • OpenID Connect: Atlassian Data Center offers the OpenID Connect, which is an identity layer on top of the OAuth 2.0 protocol. This verifies user identities based on the authentication performed by the authorization server. Although OpenID Connect is offered for most Data Center products, organizations can also download plugins for older supported data center versions if applicable. 

Source: https://confluence.atlassian.com/enterprise/sso-for-atlassian-data-center-release-notes-856834310.html

Enable and ensure enterprise-wide compliance with Atlassian Data Center 

Modern-day organizations rely on extremely complex systems to carry out day-to-day operations. But the greater the complexity, the greater it is to have security or compliance issues. Therefore, enterprise organizations need to have the right tools with the right features, to protect their systems. All while ensuring users are managed and secured in the most efficient manner. 

Atlassian Data Center – with a strong focus on authorization, authentication, and provisioning – makes it easy for organizations to comply with the constantly changing security landscape. With features such as advanced auditing, rate limiting, and access control, it helps organizations ease the authorization and authentication process while helping them comply with required security standards. 

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