Coping with Self Quarantine

Originally written by Robert Horan- Service Delivery Manager at Addteq

The response to the COVID-19 pandemic has affected us all in many different ways.  For some, the prolonged isolation of sheltering in place is a way to recharge, while for others it is a maddening experience.  Many on both sides of the spectrum are now finding themselves with a lot more free time and not much to occupy it with. Here are a few ways to cope with our current shared, but isolated reality.

  1. Live in the moment – take a deep breath, try to focus, and think about what you can do now that would make your life better.  Even the tiniest thing like decluttering a shelf or fixing something in the house can have an enormous positive effect. 
  2. If you have a yard, you can safely get out of the house for a bit, while still sheltering in place.  A little sunshine and fresh air can work wonders for cabin fever. If you’re feeling ambitious, bring a sketchbook and a pencil, and unleash your creative side.
  3. An unfortunate side effect of sheltering in place has been a dramatic increase in unemployment.  If you find yourself in this position then this is the time to not only work on your resume but to build up a repository of past achievements that you can use to interview and network successfully.  Grab a notebook and a pen, sit down, and think about the wins you have had, and record as much detail as you can remember, These are the threads that can be woven together to form the narrative tapestry of your professional life.
  4. We all have a rainy day to-do list – well, this is the longest consecutive set of rainy days you can expect to have in your lifetime.  Make a list of all the things you wanted to do, and then start tackling them one by one. If you can’t get to one of them because you need something from outside, then make note of it, and create a plan for taking care of that as soon as you are able.  You will find that having a plan in place will make finishing that task so much simpler when you are able to get what you need.
  5. Now is the perfect time to learn a new skill.  There are tons of free and low-cost online education programs out there, many of which offer professional certificates that can be added to your LinkedIn profile.  
  6. Get together with friends and family virtually. Sometimes just seeing someone’s face and hearing their voice is just what you need when you feel lonely.  Don’t limit yourself to FaceTime and Skype calls. Host a book club or a virtual wine tasting event. Streaming services like Netflix and online gaming platforms now offer party modes that allow you and others to have shared entertainment experiences, almost like going to the movies together but not being fleeced for stale popcorn and questionably clean floors.

Whatever you do, remember that while these are challenging times there is also a great opportunity for you to live your best life.  Carpe Diem!

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