Be Unstoppable: Make your Jira Service Desk Accessible

Even when we are in the middle of a lockdown/curfew, there is something we can always rely on, Tech Support. Support teams around the world can still view customer requests/issues and respond to them using tools like Jira Service Desk. Most of the world’s economy might be on hold but the support for your favorite tools and processes are still open. 

However, a large number of users face issues accessing support tickets because the typical screen readers will not read Jira Service Desk properly. Even though there are a lot of tools available to assist visually impaired users, Jira Service Desk unfortunately is mostly inaccessible. 

Making Jira Service Desk accessible

 There are two things we need to focus on to make Jira Service Desk accessible to all users: 

  1. The ability to make Jira Service Desk accessible to end-users (the public): End users should be able to navigate the support portal, create, view and comment on tickets, and search knowledge base articles directly from the portal.
  2. The ability to make Jira Service Desk accessible to agents (support engineers): Agents, on the other hand, need to access the support queue, view SLAs, navigate queues and edit tickets to work effectively.

Unstoppable manages both of these aspects of Jira Service Desk and provides a seamless, accessible, user experience to visually impaired users on Jira Service Desk.

In the below videos, we showcase a customer using Jira Service Desk to navigate knowledge base documentation, and a support agent navigating Jira Service Desk queues using Unstoppable and JAWS. 

Searching Jira Service Desk Knowledgebase Articles: 


Support Agent traversing Queues in Jira Service Desk:

Other advantages of Unstoppable

WCAG 2.0 and 508 Compliance:

Unstoppable makes Confluence 508 compliant with WCAG 2.0 standards. Unstoppable allows the users to have full control of their Atlassian tools with the help of JAWS screen reader. Check out Federal 508 Compliance Podcast to see how important it is to make your tools compliant. Also, With auto-detection, Unstoppable can tell if a user is visually impaired and in need of the tool, so there the privacy of the user is maintained.

Make your Atlassian tools accessible

Along with Jira Service Desk, Addteq also supports Unstoppable for Jira and Unstoppable for Confluence. So you can easily make your Atlassian suite accessible.

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