Top 5 Headaches to Avoid When Moving From On-prem to the Cloud 

Moving from on-prem to the cloud comes with a host of benefits. For many companies, owning software tools represent a considerable cost without corresponding business benefits. Moving to the cloud allows these businesses to run optimally and efficiently while decreasing the cost of operation up to 80%. Yet, as with any change, there can be a risk of failure if the change is not managed correctly.  

Benefits of being on the cloud include: 

  1. It is easier to work with software tools: Hosting software tools on the cloud makes it easier to use software without dealing with inherent complexity. When software is hosted on-prem, you need to manage databases, storage, backups, and your IT infrastructure. On the cloud, you don’t need to worry about these issues. For example, when you use Uber, all you need to do is provide your location and use the service without worrying about the software functionality, security, and hosting. 
  2. Added Safety and security: When you move your software from on-prem to the cloud with no experience with migration, you are in unknown territory. As such, security is a big concern. It is better to trust cloud providers with the experience and knowledge that comes with handling the security of hundreds of customers. An onsite admin managing your tools may not always be a security expert. Cloud providers have security teams to make sure the customers are fully secured.  
  3. Backup and disaster recovery: When you are hosting your solutions on-prem, backup and disaster recovery may not be your number one priority. However, if you operate on the cloud, backups are automatically and optimally running, in addition to being continuously tested for disaster recovery. The best strategy to protect data is to store it in a different city far away from where it originated. Yet storing data in a different city is not enough, data needs to be able to be restored within 20 minutes of disaster hits. This will ensure that data can be recovered with minimal downtime.

However, the most significant benefit of being on the cloud is that it can help your company avoid many headaches that can consume business time and resources. 

The top 5 headaches of being on-prem:  

Headache 1- Badly configured systems result in time lost:  If thousands of employees are using a specific software application as part of their work when the application is responding slowly, then the lag time is multiplied. If each employee is left waiting 10 minutes a day and you have 1,000 employees, that’s significant time (and money) lost (10,000 minutes in a day). 

How Addteq can help

Addteq uses bots (Brobot) to automatically configure systems so that you don’t have to deal with a slow application. When we have hundreds of customers, manual configuration is expensive and error-prone. Every time there is a need for a new configuration, we use Brobot to update the configuration. When we configure using Brobot, the bot applies the configuration to all the systems. Brobot makes configuring systems efficient and fast.

Headache 2-  Badly configured systems tend to crash frequently: If your systems crash and go offline, your employees will be unable to work. Whenever a system that serves thousands of users crashes, it can take up to an hour to start serving employees optimally again. This is time wasted, both for the employee and the employer. 

How Addteq can help

Addteq’s Brobot monitors the system, which helps prevent crashes. If your system goes offline, within a minute, Brobot will notify the customer and our support that the system went offline, and we take action to fix the problem. We guarantee 24/7 support and service.

Headache 3-  Data loss: Imagine if your system crashes and can’t be brought back up again. If no one was prepared, it is possible that the data may not be restored and could be lost forever 

How Addteq can help

Addteq helps you prepare for a disaster by storing data in multiple places. We ensure the backup of a system is done every few minutes. We also make sure system backups are stored in a different city, so in the case of a disaster of an astronomical level, the data is preserved. We prioritize disaster recovery exercises so that in those situations, we can restore data from a backup.  

Headache 4- System upgrades are costly:  System upgrades are expensive, take time, and require system outages. Every time a system is upgraded, there is a risk of something going wrong. A company must undergo this exercise several times a year as the system requires upgrades.

How Addteq can help

If a customer requires plug-ins and integration that are vital, but not provided by Atlassian Cloud, Codefactori offers those plug-ins and manages the hosting for the customer. We optimize the application and ensure the application is secure. If there is a security advisory, we can apply a patch within 48 hours to prevent the customer from getting hacked. Or if the customer wants to provide limited access to their system, we can use firewall rules to prohibit access from outsiders. We have expertise in writing tools and integrating them on top of DevOps tools. Examples are tools like Unstoppable that allows a visually impaired person to use JIRA and Confluence.  We have a spreadsheet tool called Excellentable used by a million users, and it is optimized to support up to one million cells.  

Headache 5-  Hiring resources: Coach makes bags, Marvell makes movies, and they are both Atlassian customers. These companies are not in the business of operating software tools.  If Coach is looking to hire admins to run these tools, they may not be the most experienced in recruiting and hiring experienced workers. 

How Addteq can help

Addteq helps you run your systems better than you were running them yourself. Addteq has been a partner with Atlassian for over six years now. We’re considered one of the top 10 partners in the whole world. We have different divisions to manage various risks for customers – because we understand that customers have different needs. However, for all its benefits, there are also risks for being on the cloud. These risks are related to security and backups. 

There are many benefits of moving your software tools from on-prem to cloud. With Addteq, you can alleviate any headaches that may come with your new cloud environment and make the move seamlessly and worry-free. 

Do you want to find out how your company can leverage Addteq and Codefactori? 

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