Office Admin New Release

Addteq has done it again! Never before was a company able to use Confluence to layout an interactive floorplan of their offices, that can show them features like, where a person’s desk is located or where the printers, fax machines and bathrooms are located. With Addteq’s Office Admin for Confluence plugin, now they can! Now, Office Admin is even better with this new release! Set a profile image in your Confluence user profile, Office Admin with then automatically update the profile image across all of your licensed Atlassian tools! No more manual updates across every tool in order to have a synced profile. Now it is as simple as uploading your favorite picture of yourself.  

What’s New?

Confluence is now even more customizable with the Office Admin Add-on. There are many great features embedded within this plugin that will make even the simplest daily tasks automated.

With this new update, profile image downloads will be easier then ever. By using a similar API as Gravatar, users are now able to update their profile pictures across the entire Atlassian suite with a simple download. Addteq also created an enhanced profile layout with the Office Admin add-on. The user has the ability to add a larger profile picture, create custom fields like manager field, and joining date in a human-friendly date format. Admins are able to use an intuitive drag and drop interface to add different fields into the profile page. Admins can also edit each field to the way they want the information laid out when the user views their profile. 


With the floorplan macro imbedded in Office Admin, users can create an exact copy of their office’s floorplan and begin tagging people and resources directly in that floorplan. Tagging resources within the floorplan allows users to quickly locate their office’s resources and use them simply by clicking on that particular resource! Also in the floorplan macro, users can view colleague profiles, and zoom in on seats to find where a co-worker’s desk is! 

Last but not least, the Office Admin for Confluence add-on has the ability to create interactive flow diagrams! When Office Admin is downloaded, you can use a flow diagram macro to create seamless flow charts right in Confluence. Check out our demo video link, at the bottom of this page, to get a better idea of this add-on!  

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