5 Reasons Why You Need JIRA Training

In just two weeks, Addteq is offering a morning of Atlassian JIRA Admin training. Why should you join Addteq on Wednesday, May 18, 2016 for an interactive day?


Here are 5 reasons why you should register for Addteq’s JIRA Admin Training course:

  1. Classroom Training:  Forget the webinars and boring tutorials. During this 5 hour course, you will learn hands on within an interactive classroom environment.
  2. Work through Workflows:  Immerse yourself as Addteq extends basic JIRA knowledge and takes you through JIRA Admin and all the way through to JIRA Workflows. You will be prepared with realistic scenarios and demos to help you work within your JIRA environment.
  3. Power Through:  Because there will be lots of content to cover, Addteq is providing breakfast and our sponsor, Puppet, is supplying lunch. Don’t worry, you’ll get plenty of bathroom breaks.
  4. Special Pricing:  Early bird pricing has ended but Addteq is offering a special promotion – Buy one training ticket and get another ticket for free! This means you and a colleague can advance your JIRA skills for the price of one training session.
  5. All in One:  Following Addteq’s Training course, Addteq is hosting an Atlassian DevTools Event and 10 Year Anniversary Celebration. All events (including training) will be at the 404 event space in New York.


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