What exactly is ChatOps and What Does is Mean for DevOps?

What is ChatOps and why is it changing how DevOps teams work?

ChatOps is a term many people are beginning to hear more and more. ChatOps is a way to work with your DevOps team to collaborate and automate deployments that, at one time, would have had to be done manually. Using a chat bot, DevOps teams are able to work seamlessly and collaborate with one another like never before. ChatOps can be coined to GitHub who released and uses their chat bot, Hubot.
Teams can be in their chat rooms working together on something, they then write a command in which the chat bot is then configured to work out that command. This automates processes that were never able to be automated before. The chat bot is configured through series of scripts and plugins and this allows the chat bot to deploy. This decides what your chat bot will do while you are in your chat room.

Where do I get started?

If your company is using a chat client like, HipChat, Flowdock, or Slack, you are in the right place. Now, you will need to decide on the chat bot your team will be using. Updates for HipChat is rumored to be a big ChatOps contender. (Something to think about and look out for!) Once a company decides these factors, the fun part begins. The development team now has to program and configure the chat bot with their integrated services in order for the bot to receive commands to complete deployments.
Once your team has set up the client and bot of your choice, now it is time to test and deploy!
ChatOps is making collaboration and decision making much more agile between team members and company divisions. Everything is automated from the beginning processes to the ending result. ChatOps will be the leader in DevOps workflows within the next couple of months.

JIRA Service Desk 3

So, what’s the big deal about JIRA Service Desk 3, anyhow?
For the first time ever, JIRA Service Desk is a stand alone product – and the solution IT and service teams are looking for – straight out of the box. Our vision was simple: deliver the best experience for IT and service teams, but with everything you love about JIRA. With JIRA Service Desk, IT teams loop in developers, link incidents to bugs and stay updated on progress.
Traditional IT solutions look like online forms/spreadsheets, are not user friendly and feel like a “death sentence” to employees. They prefer to use emails or walk ups to the service desk to ask for help. These solutions are not designed to be collaborative, don’t help agents prioritize tasks or help agents be responsive. With JIRA Service Desk 3, it’s all about making sure our customers get the best IT experience possible.

Feature Highlights:
JIRA Service Desk has an “anyone can use” intuitive interface = perfect for business teams

1. Simple self-service:
Quickly deploy a service request catalog with a consumer grade experience that user love. The JSD service request portal offers immediate value to the business from day one.
2. Integrated knowledge management:
Provide access to valuable knowledge with the JSD integration with Confluence. Users see related KB entries from the request portal which Free up agents from answering the same question over and over.
3. Streamlined ticket management with customizable assignment queues:
Which maps to the way your service team works powered by the amazingly flexible JIRA Query Language (JQL).
4. Powerful SLAs:
Up and running with out-of-the-box service level agreements or create your own. Empowers the IT support team with proactive insights to stay ahead of issues.
5. Real-time collaboration:
Empower an IT team with the ability to discuss issues instantly with the ability to create HipChat rooms from a ticket with one click. Get notified of critical updates as they happen and never lose tack of the conversation with the JSD and HipChat integration. CHATOPS!
6. Automation:
With a simple, intuitive UI, the automation engine performs actions based on specific events and conditions defined by the JSD admin. Create action-based rules to do things such as update your customers and notify your team about issues that are about to breach SLA..

Addteq’s JSD3 + ChatOps Webinar

During our webinar, we will be doing a presentation on JIRA Service Desk 3 and all of the new updates and features that has to offer. We will also show how IT teams, as well as business teams, can benefit from JIRA Service Desk.

For the second part of our webinar we will be discussing ChatOps! We will show how ChatOps is changing the way DevOps teams work, as well as how ChatOps can be beneficial for other teams! We will also show how we integrated HipChat with JIRA Service Desk and how you can use ChatOps to work across all Atlassian products and within all teams in a company.

Please join Addteq in our JSD3 + ChatOps Webinar! RSVP Here!

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