Excellentable Additions and Changes


As we strive to always improve the Excellentable experience, we’ve introduced several new features, and changed a couple things, in Excellentable.

New Features

Show Pixel Sizes when Resizing Columns/Rows

Previously when resizing your columns and rows, we had no way to show you what the pixel size of that change was. This in turn sometimes caused issues when individuals were resizing these items. Now that isn’t a problem anymore. Just change the size of your column or row and Excellentable will automatically tell you what the size of your column or row now is.

New Functions in the Context Menus

There are several functions in Excellentable that should have been in the Context Menu (aka Right-click Menu) that weren’t. We here at Addteq dove into the problem to see which ones were missing and which ones had been requested in the past. This is what we came up with.

  • Insert/Remove Link:
    • Insert Link – Will now always show when right-clicking into a cell
    • Remove Link – If a link is already present then it will state Remove Link
  • Clear Formatting
    • If a cell has formatting applied then the option to remove the formatting of that cell will now be available
  • Sort A-Z
    • When a column is selected the option to sort the column via A-Z will now be available
  • Sort Z-A
    • When a column is selected the option to sort the column via Z-A will now be available
  • Sort Range
    • After you’ve selected a range of data, this option will be available to you in the Context Menu.
  • Group Columns
    • After you’ve selected several columns, this option will be available to you in the Context Menu.
  • Group Rows
    • After you’ve selected several rows, this option will be available to you in the Context Menu.

Select All Keyboard Shortcuts

Dragging to select all items in your Excellentable is now a thing of the past. We have now introduced a keyboard shortcut to allow you to select all your data in one go.

  • PC
    • Ctrl + A
  • Mac
    • Cmd + A

Delete Column/Row Keyboard Shortcut

Some people prefer keyboard shortcuts, and therefore we have also introduced the ability to delete a Column or Row with a keyboard shortcut. After selecting the Column or Row, you only have to use the following shortcut to delete it.

  • PC
    • Ctrl + Shift + –
  • Mac
    • Cmd + Opt + –

Changes to Excellentable

Excellentable Controls Viewable only on Hover in View Mode

To put more emphasis on the actual data of your Excellentable in View Mode, we changed the Controls menu to only be visible while hovered over.


On Hover

Moving Sheet Tabs in View Mode

While traditionally in Spreadsheets, the Sheet tabs are on the bottom of the page. We looked into things and found that isn’t necessarily the best place for these tabs in the View mode. Because of that, we’ve moved them to the top of the Excellentable in the view mode.

Notable Bug Fixes

PDF Export Fix

We were informed of an issue going on with the PDF Export functionality. Those two issues were

  • When the row and columns headers are hidden via the Excellentable Settings, the PDF still shows header.
  • There were extra rows and columns that showed up in the PDF Export that didn’t have data.

Those two items were resolved so the PDF Export actually gives you the data you want.

Extra Columns/Rows in View Mode Fix

There was a rather annoying bug where in certain situations there were extra rows and columns in the View Mode that didn’t have any data in them? We looked into it asking the very simple question, “Why is this happening?” It wasn’t long until we discovered the issue and squashed that. So for all those that were bugged about seeing more in the View Mode than there was data, this one is for you.

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