Everything You Need to Know About Jira Software Cloud Premium

If you are one of those organizations that deal with critical applications or applications that need to offer cutting-edge performance and functionality, you would need a cloud solution that provides the highest levels of security, uptime, and availability. 

Atlassian Cloud provides enterprises with all the capabilities they need to drive long-term success: from secure data residency to high uptime SLA, centralized user billing to dedicated support, and the opportunity to make the most of the umpteen benefits of Atlassian Access. Now imagine getting to leverage additional features across analytics, unlimited storage, archiving, premium support, admin insights, and more! That’s what Atlassian Cloud Premium offers! 


Introduction to Atlassian Cloud Premium

In a world where application development organizations are constantly struggling to drive continuous value, Atlassian Cloud Premium gives them the confidence to run their business efficiently. By delivering a ton of features across storage, security, and availability, it allows businesses to build efficiently and scale effectively as their business grows. 


As more and more investments are being made towards developing cloud products, Atlassian Cloud Premium is constantly upgraded with few and innovative features. Some of these include data residency for companies that want their data to reside in a certain geographic region, the ability to run Cloud products behind customized URLs that align with a company’s brand, as well as constant improvements towards cloud security and compliance. 

Jira Software Cloud 

As organizations move towards cloud-based services, Jira Software Cloud allows them to meet evolving business needs with flexible workflows and extensibility.

Rich APIs and an enterprise-grade ecosystem help centralize work across the entire organization. It delivers the visibility and oversight needed to scale and maintain security and compliance. Through high availability, data backup, and disaster recovery features, Jira Cloud also helps eliminate interruptions and downtime, allowing teams to seamlessly and efficiently build products to meet the needs of tomorrow. 

Jira Software Cloud is offered in two plans – Jira Software Cloud Standard and Jira Software Cloud Premium. The Standard plan is ideal for organizations that have just begun their software development journey. Those who are worried about downtime or service interruptions have a lot to benefit from by embracing Jira Software Cloud Premium. The premium plan allows teams to scale Jira across the organization, allowing globally distributed teams that rely on Atlassian products as mission-critical for success to constantly drive value and enable innovation. 


Why select Jira Software Cloud Premium

Jira Software Cloud Premium offers a range of enhanced features that allow admins, teams, and organizations as a whole to scale. 

These include: 

• Automation: Software delivery is a time and cost-intensive process comprising several complex tasks that need to be done with extreme precision – leaving no room for error. Jira Software Cloud Premium allows teams to automate any task or process with a simple click. Admins can set automation rules and scale them across multiple products, projects, or even the entire enterprise. These global and multi-project automation rules make it easy for teams to scale their work while saving time and improving the efficiency of day-to-day tasks. 

• Advanced Roadmaps: Given the numerous tasks that software delivery entails, teams need the ability to structure, plan, and track work across projects. Jira Software Cloud Premium’s Advanced Roadmaps feature allows members to build smart plans across multiple teams and projects and accurately account for team capacity and dependencies. By aggregating roadmaps, they can view work that’s planned, track progress against goals, and identify and fill gaps that restrict productivity. 

• Unlimited storage: In contrast to Jira Software Cloud Standard, which offers 250 GB of storage space, Jira Software Cloud Premium offers unlimited storage, empowering teams with all the space they need to manage their projects within Jira Software. This allows teams to upload attachments, share files of any size, and build without boundaries. 

• 99.9% SLA uptime: Based on Atlassian’s Service Level Commitment, every Jira Software Cloud Premium team gets an uptime SLA of 99.9%. Since this is financially backed with service level credits, teams can be sure to run their mission-critical projects and operations in the cloud, eliminate single points of failure, and ensure around-the-clock reliability and availability of services. 

Premium support: Teams that use Jira Software Cloud facing issues while accessing tools and resources can rely on the 24/7 premium support offered with Jira Software Cloud Premium. With one-hour response times for critical issues, teams can be sure to have their problems resolved within the hour and continue driving dedicated efforts towards delivering top-notch software applications. 

Admin insights: Jira Software Cloud Premium also offers admins the visibility they need into users to better plan their needs. By knowing how many users are active on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis, admins can analyze product usage and activity as well as understand and plan the level of security over time. 

      IP allowlisting: Security is a key requirement in today’s age. Therefore, Jira Software Cloud Premium offers the IP allowlisting functionality that allows you to add an additional layer of control and limit site access to trusted IP ranges. This feature enables admins to specify which IP addresses users must use to access content; users that use an IP address that is not in the allowlist automatically receive a message explaining why they don’t have access. 

      Project archiving: Finding the data you need can be quite a task if you have to scout through hundreds of old projects. Jira Software Cloud Premium offers a much-needed project archiving feature using which, you can archive old projects (and their underlying issues). By archiving projects that are no longer active, you can reduce clutter and ensure quick and easy access to data that matters. 


Teams who are confident about delivering good-quality applications because they have any time, anywhere access to the tools and resources they need are usually the ones to succeed. 

Jira Software Cloud Premium offers an array of features across storage, uptime, availability, insights, archiving, and roadmaps that empower teams to build effectively, and scale reliably.  

Want to know how to make the most of your Atlassian investments? Let’s connect.

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