Expanding Codefactori to add tools like qTest and Tosca by Tricentis

Tricentis Tosca and qTest Manager

A single line of buggy code change. 

That’s all it may take to break the functionality of your software and compromise your entire system. Consistent testing can prevent the worst imaginable, like Heartbleed, from happening to your organization 

At Addteq, we created Codefactori to eliminate the restrictions, outages, and other obstacles that hinder the quality innovation of your software development teams. To further this goal, we’ve partnered with Tricentis, one of the world’s leading QA testing and automation platforms, to offer cutting edge solutions for test automation and management – Tosca and qTest Manager.

What is Tricentis Tosca?

Tricentis Tosca is a continuous testing platform that accelerates testing to keep pace with Agile and DevOps with a script-less, no-code approach to end-to-end test automation.

In layman terms, Tosca can record various processes to be tested in the event of a code change. When that occurs, it will run hundreds of tests automatically to identify any breaks in the software logic. Model-based test automation empowers anyone from developers to business experts to contribute to test automation. This approach eliminates the maintenance burden that erodes most test automation initiatives. 

What is Tricentis qTest Manager?

Tricentis qTest Manager is an Agile testing tool that can both scale and adapt to your business processes. qTest provides an intuitive experience for test execution. You can plan, assign, and execute your tests with confidence. This offers visibility into your entire life cycle across projects, builds, cycles, suites, and more.

Through this rigorous and flexible testing solution, your business will prioritize quality, develop more reliable software, and increase speed to market. 

New Testing Platform Adds New Capabilities to Codefactori

What does this partnership with Tricentis mean for Codefactori users?

Enterprise software solutions can be a tricky venture. Most companies use various SaaS toolsets from different vendors like Atlassian, Rancher, and SonarQube. Codefactori brings them all together under one unified umbrella so you can utilize an integrated environment with enterprise-grade support. 

Most organizations lack cutting edge QA automation and test management solutions that enables embedding quality across the software delivery pipeline and drive transformation. Organizations are frequently dealing with painfully slow and costly manual software testing. To solve this burning issue, Addteq had partnered with Tricentis to accelerate your software delivery with the Tricentis enterprise testing and automation platform. By utilizing Tricentis Tosca and qTest Manager, you can accelerate digital transformation across the enterprise with a comprehensive suite of software testing tools — from agile test management to automated continuous testing for enterprise architectures. 

Why is Codefactori an ideal platform for hosting Tricentis Tosca and qTest Manager?

Hosting Tosca and qTest on Codefactori comes with the same set of benefits as a tool such as Jira, Bamboo, Bitbucket, etc.

  1. Continuous system monitoring to detect any outages or downtime
  2. Multi-tiered support options to provide assistance when needed
  3. Significant cost savings and ROI
  4. Data backup every 30 minutes to keep your data safe
  5. Minimal downtime for automatic upgrades to remediate bugs, patch security issues, and feature releases 

Codefactori not only offers a robust, automated platform but also offers exemplary SLA based support accessible via our self-service portal and access to the expertise of our SMEs.

Are You Ready for Tricentis Tosca and qTest Manager to improve your business?

Tricentis has been continuously named a Leader in the Gartner Magic Quadrant for Software Test Automation for the 5th consecutive year. Codefactori is the leading solution for providing an integrated platform for development tools with world-class support and technical excellence.

To see how Tricentis Tosca and qTest Manager can work with Codefactori to improve your software solutions:

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