5 things you can only do with Excellentable for Confluence

Excellentable allows you to create and edit spreadsheets in Confluence. Plus, since your Excellentable is native to Confluence, you are able to get much more out of the tool than just a basic spreadsheet or table editor.

1. Share your Searches and Filters

You can search, sort, and share from your Excellentable spreadsheets within the view mode of a Confluence page. Just create the Search or Filter the columns as needed, and share with your colleagues with a personalized message. 

2. Hide row/column headers

As you may have noted in the above screenshot, you can hide your row and column headers on the view mode of a Confluence page. 
In edit mode, Go to view → Row Header + Column Header and the headers will disappear when you save. This display stays even if you are exporting the Confluence page as a .pdf or .HTML file, so you can make your tables printable as well.

3. Do more in Confluence View mode

With Excellentable, you are able to do more with your data in Confluence. Just by viewing an Excellentable in Confluence, you can download the spreadsheet in various formats, resize columns & headers, and preview formulas present in a cell. 

4. Support at your Fingertips

From the edit and view mode of Excellentable, you can quickly access documentation or access support via the help desk with a click of a button. No need to search for multiple locations for a quick knowledge base article or support help desk link. 

One-Click support from View-Mode

One-Click support from Edit-Mode. 

5. Showcase with your tables

Spreadsheets have never looked so good in Confluence. We went over above about how Excellentable can be seamlessly showcased inside a Confluence page. Both from the shareable, collaborative view mode and from the edit mode. With advanced exporting options, you can keep a formatted spreadsheet on an exported Confluence page. Or you can share pages with spreadsheets embedded with your team right inside of Confluence. No need for link permissions, lost files, and compatibility requirements. 

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