How Addteq Optimizes its Sales Team Process with Tempo Timesheets

Tempo has a great history with Addteq, who started using our product back in 2011. In 2015, we wrote a high-level blog on their reason for switching to Tempo Timesheets. Today, we’ll give you a deeper look into how their sales team benefited from using Tempo Timesheets.

This blog was originally published on Tempo’s blog

About Addteq:

Addteq is a global professional services firm with more than 12 years of experience in delivering software solutions for enterprise clients. The company is headquartered in Princeton, New Jersey with satellite offices in NYC, Pune, Bangalore, and Singapore. Addteq is a Platinum Atlassian Partner which gives them access to the highest level of resources and technology that Atlassian offers.

The Issue

The leadership team felt that there was a gap in the predicted vs. actual efficiency of the sales team, and realized that they had difficulty identifying where the sales team effort was being placed or understanding if prioritization was correct. In other words, the team was looking to solve discrepancies in more than one area.

Tempo Timesheets – For sales resources

Because the Addteq India team extensively uses Jira Core to manage its sales and marketing operations, they believed that Tempo Timesheets would be a good fit due to its integration with Jira and the opportunity to fill the gaps identified. By both creating new fields in Jira tickets to improve their classification and logging work in Tempo Timesheets, Addteq’s leadership team acquired a complete overview of the sales pipeline and gained a more granular view of the sales operations. As a result, they were able to find how much time was spent in customer identification, the turnaround time for each type of client, and also pinpoint specific areas where the sales team was being bottlenecked.

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