Dynatrace Integration for Jira – Features & Developer Perspective!

Addteq is pleased to introduce Dynatrace Integration app for Jira. It allows the user to link Dynatrace problems to JIRA Issue and formats all incoming issues from Dynatrace. It integrates Dynatrace problem data with Jira Query Language (JQL) and enables the user to search for issues based on Dynatrace problems. Dynatrace Integration app has been released on 4th of July and can be downloaded through marketplace here. 


Dynatrace is one of the leading tools in the application performance management software industry. Dynatrace tool ensures that your IT operations, development, and digital business teams have the performance insights needed to create and deliver amazing experiences.

Configure Dynatrace integration app:

To configure Dynatrace app

  1. Install and configure the app as documented
  2. Complete the one time setup on the Dynatrace side.
  3. (Optional but recommended) Setup Dynatrace problem notifications to notify JIRA for automatically converting problems to JIRA issues.


Link problems to JIRA issues

One of the cool things which app provide is to search and link Dynatrace problem. You can go to link screen on any issue where you have permission


Here you can search for keywords related to problems, provide different parameters like status, impact level and relative time. At this screen, you can select multiple problems. It also allows the user to add problems from multiple searches, no need to link and come back to this screen.

After you are done with adding the selected problem to an issue, Dynatrace section will show up on the issue view screen.. 

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