Addteq’s favorite Confluence add-ons in 2016

2016 is coming to an end and it has shown to be a great year for Atlassian, Marketplace add-ons and expert creations. With that, we would like to share our favorite Confluence add-ons of 2016.

Addteq’s Excellentable

Have you ever wanted a fully functional spreadsheet within Confluence? Tired of using Disconnected Spreadsheets that just do not work? Now you can create dynamic and interactive tables in Confluence just like Excel. Addteq uses Excellentable for almost everything from ordering lunch, documenting APIs, finance and accounting, sales to managing marketing budgets. With Version 3.1 and Versioning being released, 2016 was a huge year for Excellentable. Version 3.1 included an updated UI, sharing searches, data center compatibility, over 450 formulas, right click features, drag and drop importing and simple exporting. All of the popular formulas are supported in Excellentable. Not only does Excellentable allow you to search for specific items or terms within a spreadsheet, but you can share your search. Excellentable was created to try to maximize Confluence’s potential to create functional spreadsheets without having to export any pre-made tables. Confluence users can create, edit, share, import and export spreadsheets easily which makes this one of our favorite add-ons in 2016.

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