Docker Global Mentor Week NYC Recap


Docker is an amazing technology that is improving the way individuals, teams and organizations are building, shipping and operating software.  However, one of the core tenants of Docker’s success has also been the community which is not limited to the online participation and knowledge sharing. There are conferences and talks around Docker/Container technology including Docker Inc’s DockerCon amongst numerous others. The grassroots Docker community has been nurtured via the meetup groups and there is an ever growing number of these around the world. Addteq has had the privilege to attend a few of the Docker NYC meetup presentations which have always been very educational and fun to connect to fellow enthusiasts of the ecosystem surrounding the technology. We were definitely excited when the Docker Global Mentor Week was announced:

Building on the the success of the Docker Birthday #3 Celebration and Training events earlier this year, we’re excited to announce the Docker Global Mentor Week November 14-20, 2016. This global event series aims to provide Docker training to both newcomers and intermediate Docker users. More advanced users will have the opportunity to get involved as mentors to further encourage connection and collaboration within the community. The Docker Global Mentor Week is your opportunity to either #learndocker or help others #learndocker. Participants will work through self paced labs that will be available through an online Learning Management System (LMS). We’ll have different labs for beginners and intermediate users, Developers and Ops and Linux or Windows users. via:

Addteq’s very own CTO, Himanshu Chhetri, signed up to be a mentor for the Global Mentor week event at Docker NYC with the hopes of sharing Addteq’s enthusiasm, experience and advocacy of Docker! The location of the meetup was conveniently held at the Cisco Systems office at 1 Pennsylvania Plaza which is a short walk from New York Penn Station.

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