Office Admin: Floor Plan

Space allocation is one of the biggest challenges in larger organizations. Finding the location of an employee, printer, fax machine, conference room, office or recreation activity center is a big challenge. Wouldn’t it be so much easier to locate teams, individual employees and resources in your office, if your company’s floor plan became interactive. Imagine being able to lookup a colleague, find the closest printer, assign seats and/or conference rooms and auto link a resource. With Office Admin’s Floor Plan feature, now you can!

What is the Floor Plan feature of Office Admin?

The Floor Plan feature provides the functionality of allocating and finding the assets of an organization in the graphical method. By uploading an image of your office’s floorplan, you can begin tagging all resources needed. 

The Floor Plan is a feature within Addteq’s Office Admin add-on, which is used to specify the location of any entity present within an office. The person with edit permissions for the add-on, can map the seats of people who work on a particular floor. Since the Office Admin add-on is linked to the profile database of every person in the company, where they sit will also show in their profiles. You can also map other areas like elevators, common sitting areas, coffee room, conference rooms and more. This feature helps employees become familiar with their office space. For example, new team members that have recently joined, can be unfamiliar with key locations. Instead of asking others about locations, they can simply find all the needed information just by visiting a single page. 


Once you have the Office Admin add-on installed, the Floor Plan feature can be simply used as a macro in confluence. To tag a person in the floor plan, it is as easy as clicking on a point on your floorplan, then select the area and put in the information needed. Once the information is saved, it becomes available to everyone who has access to the floor plan. To find a person, area or resource, one can easily search for it using the search box located at the top. Once searched, the feature will then zoom-in on the area if it exists on the plan. By hovering the mouse over the tags located in your floor plan, you can see basic details like name, profile or any included links. Clicking on the tag icon allows you to visit particular pages that are included in that profile. 



With the user friendly graphical representation and real time management of assets, Office Admin is one of the preferred choices in the market. This simple add-on, with integrations, can bring useful features to other applications or systems.


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