Unstoppable Accessibility for Atlassian Tools

Accessibility for Atlassian Tools

Atlassian is a popular suite of tools used by organizations worldwide for project management, collaboration, and other business needs. However, some users face accessibility challenges when using these tools, making it difficult to work effectively. That’s where Unstoppable for Jira and Confluence comes in.

Unstoppable for Jira and Confluence are apps available in the Atlassian Marketplace that improve the accessibility of these tools. These apps work with Jira and Confluence and ensure that all users can effectively access and interact with the tools.

Accessibility for Atlassian Jira & Confluence

Unstoppable apps improve the accessibility of Jira and Confluence for individuals with disabilities. The app provides a variety of features, including:

  1. Keyboard Navigation: Unstoppable for Jira ensures that users can navigate Jira using only their keyboard. This makes it easier for individuals with mobility impairments to use the tool.
  2. Contrast and Color Settings: The app adjusts the contrast and color settings of Jira, which makes it easier for individuals with visual impairments to use the tool.
  3. Screen Reader Support: Unstoppable for Jira works with screen readers, allowing individuals with visual impairments to navigate Jira effectively.
  4. Font Size and Style: The app provides users with the ability to adjust the font size and style of Jira, making it easier for individuals with visual impairments to read the content.


Unstoppable for Jira and Confluence are two powerful apps that improve the accessibility of Atlassian tools for individuals with disabilities. These apps provide a range of features that ensure all users can access and interact with the tools effectively. With these tools, individuals with disabilities can work alongside their peers using Atlassian tools without any accessibility barriers.

Start your 30-day free trial today.

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2 Responses

  1. Can you tell me if your product is JAWS and Keyboard Functional? If so, we would like to see a demo if possible.

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