How Atlassian Cloud Saves Cost in Long Term

In an era where reliability and performance applications take precedence over everything else, Atlassian Cloud offers on-demand access to resources – setting the stage for unmatched dependability, redundancy, and failover options around the world. 

Using Atlassian Cloud, enterprises can easily meet the growing collaboration needs of their highly dispersed teams while enjoying capabilities across security, control, and governance needed for a robust DevOps process. 

Apart from exceptional flexibility and scalability, Atlassian Cloud also saves costs in the long term. Teams only need to pay for the tools and resources they use – saving up huge investments across hardware, software, and other infrastructure costs. With several new capabilities being added, today, Atlassian Cloud is a major growth focus, with Atlassian investing heavily on this ecosystem. 

 In addition, all app vendors and partners are also focusing their investments on the Atlassian cloud ecosystem. With some Atlassian products only available on Cloud, there is a strong possibility in the future that new features will be introduced first on Atlassian cloud – and then across other deployment modes.

When should organizations move to Atlassian Cloud?

Given that Atlassian Cloud offers several modern capabilities, organizations should move to the cloud when they want to: 

• Set up infrastructure and get started on building products instantly – without spending time on buying or deploying complex hardware. 

• Scale quickly and efficiently and meet the needs of their growing audience – without compromising on application performance. 

• Achieve high availability and uptime of applications – without having to manually fix issues or plan for workarounds. 

• Enjoy centralized administration, around-the-clock support, and ensure critical issues are resolved on priority. 

• Reduce the costs associated with IT infrastructure implementation, maintenance, integration, and support. 

• Focus on building innovative products – without worrying about upgrading tools or updating patches. 

• Achieve enterprise-grade security, governance, and data privacy across multiple Atlassian cloud products. 

Atlassian Cloud costing considerations 

Atlassian Cloud offers modern organizations with all they need to build, scale, and maintain their software applications. 

However, the cost of the Cloud depends on several factors. Here are some Atlassian Cloud costing considerations to keep in mind: 

• Product selection: The first major consideration when it comes to calculating Atlassian Cloud cost is the product you choose. Jira Software, Jira Core, JSD, and Confluence Cloud are all priced differently, with the price depending on the number of users you wish to support and the number and type of apps you wish to integrate. Thankfully, Atlassian offers a Cloud Calculator, using which you can easily estimate your monthly or annual cloud bill. 

• Plan selection: Once a product has been chosen, the total cost of Atlassian Cloud also depends on the plan you choose (free/ standard/ premium) and the number of users.

For instance, for Jira Cloud:

     • Free plan for up to 10 users costs 0$

     • Standard plan for up to 5,000 users costs $7/user/month 

     • Premium plan for up to 5,000 users costs $14/user/month

• Cost of additional subscription of Atlassian Access: Although Atlassian Cloud allows teams to leverage the enhanced security and control capabilities of Atlassian Access, when it comes to calculating costs, you should include the cost of additional subscription of Atlassian Access. The subscription is built on a progressive pricing structure, with the average price/user decreasing as the number of users increases: 

• Cost of Atlassian Apps: When estimating your total cloud costs, it is important to consider the cost of the different apps you wish to use to extend your Atlassian products. While purchasing apps from the Atlassian Marketplace, it is advisable to purchase the license tier that matches the number of users you have licensed for your host product. Since apps are licensed for single instances, you will need to purchase an app license for each instance of your Atlassian Cloud product. 

• Annual and monthly billing: Atlassian Cloud cost also depends on your billing cycle: Jira Software Standard for 10 users will cost you $10 on a monthly basis, but only $100 on an annual basis. 

Source: Atlassian

Where does Atlassian Cloud help organizations save money

Despite all the costs that have to be accounted for while choosing Atlassian’s cloud deployment option, while comparing the cost of Atlassian Server, Atlassian Data Center and Atlassian Cloud, it is important to consider Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) over 3-5 years. Organizations opting for Atlassian Cloud can avoid all types of CapEX and only shell out money for OpEx – only paying for what they use. 

In the long run, Atlassian Cloud helps organizations save money across:  

• Infrastructure set up and maintenance – Imagine the cost of operations if you had to set up your 24×7 support team for managing your Atlassian applications. Even if you do, no one can manage your Atlassian products better than Atlassian itself! Atlassian takes care of all aspects of hosting and deployment – including availability and downtimes – freeing you from the Herculean task of maintaining servers, storing data, and more. 

• Renewals and licensing fees – Atlassian Cloud subscription can be set up for automatic renewals, which means you don’t have to worry about renewing your cloud license monthly or annually. 

• Upgrade management – With Atlassian Cloud, you are sure to be on the latest version. Atlassian Cloud delivers automatic upgrades, which means you get immediate access to the latest features, security updates, and more – without the need for any manual work.

• Compliance management – All compliance-related tasks are taken care of Atlassian; real-time security updates and rigorous practices help track and protect the information, keeping your organization secure and compliant across SOC2, ISO 27001/27018, PCI DSS v3.2, SAQ A, and more. 

• Backup management – Backup management is also done by Atlassian, with backups being generated daily and retained for a 30-day period – to allow for point-in-time data restoration.


As the number of users and applications grows, enterprises struggle with furnishing the infrastructure management bandwidth in-house to cater to their growing demands. Atlassian Cloud, through its monthly or annual subscription, can help organizations save costs in the long run. Since it eliminates the need to make upfront investments in infrastructure purchase, implementation, backup, compliance, or upgrade, it is an ideal deployment option for those looking to save costs in the long term. 

Need more information about Atlassian Cloud? Download our free eBook here to know

   • Key features and benefits of the Atlassian Cloud

   • Scenarios when enterprises should consider moving to the Atlassian Cloud 

   • Best practices for cloud migration 

   • Pitfalls to avoid in cloud migration

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