Office Admin: Flow Diagram

Everyone knows the saying, "a picture is worth a thousands words." What if we were able to make a picture worth more, by making it interactive and even more useful for a user?

With Addteq’s Office Admin add-on, you can have a completely interactive software or system architecture flow diagram. The problem with current flow diagrams, is that they are not interactive. They do a great job at organizing your architecture, but it does not explain each individual part of your architecture. 

Imagine you want to know about the object or figure present in the diagram. All you need to do is to move the cursor over that particular entity in the image and the tagged information will be displayed. Tagging the information has a benefit over writing the content on top of an image, as it keeps the image in original form instead of messing up the original image content. The two diagrams below demonstrate the difference between the tagging feature and the more traditional way of marking the objects in the image. The left diagram shows the desired tagging feature while the right one shows a more traditional way.



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