Collaborative features of Excellentable


What is Excellentable?

Excellentable is the no compromises spreadsheet solution for confluence.  It takes the power of Excel, and the convenience of Confluence, allowing team members access to the latest version of the spreadsheet without the hassle of email. 

Learn about the latest features of Excellentable 


Edit Mode vs View Mode

When adding Excellentable to a confluence page you are automatically brought into Excellentable’s edit mode.  As the name implies, edit mode is where you make changes to the spreadsheet.  You can click the save button in the bottom right corner to save your changes.  Or you can click the save & exit button to return to confluence.  

Once back in Confluence, you can alter the page layout how ever you want.  The Excellentable will be displayed as the icon, you can move this icon around, just like other confluence widgets.  In order to see the sheet you created you need to save and view the confluence page.  

When viewing the confluence page you will see the Excellentable you added, but it will be in View mode.  You cannot edit the spreadsheet in view mode, but all of the formatting, text, and formulas you entered will be visible.  

Creating and Sharing Filters

Excellentable provides two ways to make sharing complex spreadsheets easier.  The first is the search bar, which can be used to search for and display rows which contain text that matches your search.  

The second is the ability to add a filter to a column.  This filter can be modified in view mode to alter which rows are visible.  These two features can be used together to focus on specific data of interest in a spreadsheet.  

The best part about these filters is that they are shareable.  Using the share button, which is to the right of the search box, you can send a link which will bring anybody who clicks it to the exact same "view" that you see. Click the image to view a filter view I created!

With Excellentable and confluence you can always see the most recent version of your spreadsheet, and share the details you want everybody to see using filters.  This empowers your team to be faster and more productive than ever!


Find out why Excellentable is great for your team



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