The Ultimate Cheat Sheet for the 2015 Atlassian Summit

Addteq attended the 2015 Atlassian Summit last week, November 3rd – 5th, in San Francisco, California! Although Addteq is glad to be back home, we are still so excited about everything that this year’s Atlassian Summit had to offer. Atlassian planned one of the biggest Summits to date and for the first time, sold out completely! Over 4,000 people attended, sponsors included and over 20 informative sessions. People from all around the world attended the 2015 Atlassian Summit, customers, users, experts and prospective customers were only a few of the faces you were likely to run into.

Each day there was something to take back from the 2015 Summit. In other words, there was never a dull moment. Ecosystem Partners Day started the week off with a bang! This day is for all of the Atlassian Experts, from all levels, that helped Atlassian achieve everything they have done over the last year. This year’s Partners Day came with huge praise because Atlassian reached 50,000 customers this year! This was a long term goal for Atlassian. Over 15% of those customers signed on to use at least one of Atlassian’s products because of the Experts. That is huge for all of the Atlassian Experts that work so hard every year.

Big things are changing for Atlassian! Their biggest launch ever, JIRA 7 comes with 3 independent software releases and the very much talked about, HipChat Connect is also being launched in the very near future. Atlassian has went through over 13 years of changes and they plan on changing a lot in the next year.

Addteq was proud to be a Silver Sponsor for this year’s Atlassian Summit and recently Pledged 1%. Due to that pledge, we dedicated our booth and theme to the Pledge 1% core values, Robinhood, “Take from Software and Give to Developer.” We even created a dartboard using a touch screen TV and toy bow and arrows. Addteq integrated HipChat with the dartboard and Twitter! By adding a command with the player’s Twitter handle into a HipChat room, the players would then shoot at the board, it then automatically tweeted onto Addteq’s Twitter page and the player’s Twitter page. That was a huge hit! See how Addteq did it here!

For anyone who was not able to attend Summit, this video is a great overview!


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