
JAWS is switched on and the user is logged into Jira


Step 1: Press Insert + F7 and choose "Create Alt + c" from list of links and press Enter. JAWS should read out "Create a new issue, bug", and some additional messages

Step 2: The create issue dialog opens up. After a few seconds, JAWS will read the first field to be entered, with the necessary instructions as to how to fill it. Please follow the instructions carefully and fill in the field with the concerned values accordingly.

Step 3: Press Tab key to hear about the next field to be filled, if any. Also, note that you can move back to any of your previously changed or entered fields, using Shift + Tab key. So, in a nutshell, hitting Tab will take you to the next field and hitting Shift-Tab , will take you to the previous field.

Step 4: When you are done filling a form entry, hit tab to move on to the next entry. Repeat this till you reach the button which JAWS reads as "Create Alt + S" button, press Alt + S to submit this form or press Enter Key. If there are any errors, JAWS will prompt you to fix them. If not, a new issue would be created.


1) Certain form fields may require you to multi-select many items. In such cases, you can do a multi-select by following steps mentioned below

  • When you tab to a multiselect field, like labels, to select more than one item, first hit Shift + F8
  • You can then move through the entire list using up and down arrow keys. 
  • You will get notified by JAWS as to which field item you currently are in and whether its selected or not. 
  • To select an item, hit Space key. After you are done with the selections hit Tab to move to the next field in the form

2) Sometimes, depending on the quantity of data to be filled in the form, the rendering of the whole form completely might take a few seconds. For example, the labels and Epic/Theme fields might take a few seconds to show-up. Hence, it would be a good idea to pause for about 2-3 seconds after hitting the Create Issue button, listen to the instructions first and then start filling in the form entries.